Thrs, Dec 21, Devotional

Luke 1:46-48  And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked with favor on the lowly state of his servant.  Surely from now on all generations will call me blessed


         I will be honest, I couldn’t come up with a thought on the scripture given to me.  What came to my mind is how the churches have changed, more acceptance and not so rigid. 

My first experience to the Roman Catholic Church (which had some different rules than the Baptist Church on the “hill”) you couldn’t enter the church without something on your head.  So, my best friend gave me a hanky and all I worried about was, was it used?  Also the service was in Latin, I barely knew English, and sore knees up and down so much.

My other experience with the Catholic Church was my strong Baptist Aunt and Uncle, who lived on the “Hill”.  They had a younger son who was going to marry a Catholic girl, not from the “Hill”.  She was a lovely girl!  But her parents were every bit staunch Catholic as my relatives were Baptist.  On we go to the Highland Baptist Church on the “Hill” but her parents wouldn’t attend the ceremony in the Sanctuary.  They did come for lunch and pictures.  I was quite baffled about this (how things have changed). 

The “Hill” was nicknamed “Sand Hill” and yes, Rev. Jeff, you live smack-dab in the middle!


  -Liz Hickey